Daniel Jarchow
Hey! I’m Daniel.
I was born in Memphis, Tennessee, but spent my formative years in Arkansas. I met my wife, Holly, there while studying ministry at Harding University. I could not have asked for a better partner in life and ministry! Before starting Sojourn, I worked in campus ministry in Arkansas, while finishing my Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy.
I met Jesus the summer after my high school graduation. Depression, alcohol, and cheap tricks to control my emotions consumed my life. College loomed large in my mind as an opportunity to try something new. Over that summer, I committed to doing whatever Jesus asked of me, if He would give me a second chance at life. He hasn’t disappointed.
He’s taken me to places in the world I thought I would never go and into depths of my heart I never wanted to go. In many ways, faith has been difficult for me. It’s been a long process and a struggle at times. Yet, my relationship with Jesus has been the most transformative aspect of my life. He has walked with me through terrible heartache, overwhelming doubts, and deepest joys.
I’m a sojourner at heart. I thrive on experiencing nature, trying new food, biking streets I’ve never seen before, climbing mountains, standing in awe of ancient trees, and meeting all kinds of different people. I don’t completely know where I’m going, but I’m having a great time getting there!
Finally, I love Seattle. And I love Udub. Exploring faith in the global, postmodern world of this place and creating communities for others to do the same is my passion. Leading this talented, passionate group of people at Sojourn is an honor.
Let’s talk!
Holly Jarchow
Hi, I’m Holly!
Alabama-native, wife to Daniel, pup-mom to Milton (our cockapoo), and lover of all things sweet. I graduated from Harding University with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Sciences and Disorders in 2015, and with a Masters in Communication Disorders from Arkansas State University in 2016. I currently work as a speech-language pathologist at a private practice in Everett, WA.
My greatest passion is to travel. My most transformative experiences have been when learning new cultures in new parts of the world. Outside of traveling, I am happiest to my core when I am listening to the stories of those around me with a good cup of joe in hand. Connecting with others through shared experiences is my happy place.
I decided to follow Jesus once I realized that in Him there was hope available to me. I didn’t have to remain in the darkness of who I was anymore. Jesus was saying, “I intended more for you. Let me help you find your healing and your adventure.” From that moment on I have been on a journey of discovering what those words mean.
Have questions? Let’s meet up!
MacKenzie Wood
Hi, I’m MacKenzie Wood!
I’m originally from Eastern Washington but have been living in Seattle for the past three years while studying at the University of Washington. Before coming to UW, I took a gap year to do a one-year bible study program at Ecola Bible School in Cannon Beach, OR. After bible school, I went to the UW where I studied Political Science and Spanish. I just graduated from UW this spring 2020!
I grew up in a Christian home and was fortunate to hear the gospel at a young age. However, throughout middle school and high school, I had a lot of doubts about who God was and if He was real. For the majority of that time, I was too passive to really seek God and seek out the truth. When I made the decision to go the bible school, I knew that I couldn’t be passive anymore and that I really had to figure out if Jesus was the truth or not, because it would determine the way I lived the rest of my life. God revealed himself to me in new ways throughout that year and I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life living for Christ.
The last few years at UW have been wonderful! I was pretty involved with bible studies and campus ministries. As I began asking God questions about the future and what the next steps in my life were, he really put the UW on my heart. I realized how many people have not heard the Gospel and how it’s a place that can often times be hostile to Christianity.
I really love Seattle and I love the University of Washington. It has been such a joy to be here these last few years. I also love meeting new people and talking about Jesus. Some of my favorite things to do around here include sitting in coffee shops, goodwill shopping and exploring the parks. I also really enjoy traveling and I hope to have more opportunities to do so in the future!
I am so excited to be working with UW Sojourn as an apprentice! I hope to learn more about vocational ministry, gain new ministry and leadership skills, and to grow in spiritual discipline. I’m looking forward to meeting new students, sharing the gospel, and encouraging them in their walk with Christ. Overall, I am so excited to be able to serve on this campus that I love!
Let’s meet up!
Chandler Petray
Hello, I am Chandler Petray
I was born and raised in the Northwest Arkansas area. After graduating from high school in 2017, I went to school at the University of Arkansas Fort Smith, studying electrical engineering for two years before switching my major to criminal justice. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice in May of 2022.
Being from the Southern United States, like most, I was raised Christian. However, being raised in a Christian household in Christian community doesn’t mean you’re indoctrinated in the gospel. I believed in the God of the Bible growing up, but I had no faith in God, and no deep love for God. I was not alone in this mentality, for many of my peers were just like me; these “cultural Christians” that were raised in the Bible belt. Praising and worshiping a God with empty words and going to church to mark it off a checklist. It was not until my sophomore year of college, when I was in a deep depression, my life falling apart, that someone who was a truly a Christian reached out to me. She invited me to come to this community, a campus ministry that was full of people who love God, love/help others, and wanted to grow in their relationship with God. Joining this group, Lion’s for Christ (LFC), turned my life around. They taught me that I can now call myself a Christian because of Christ alone, by grace alone, because of my faith alone, and to the glory of God alone.
Over the next year, I got my life sorted out, changed my major, and became an active member of LFC. The following years I got more and more involved in the campus ministry, by my final year becoming one of the main leaders: I was planning events, leading lessons, doing outreach, etc. One of the main attributing factors to why I want to be a part of campus ministry is because of my personal story. I know there are many students suffering, trying to fight the battle of life alone like me, that need God and a Godly community.
Before visiting Seattle this past May, my future wife and I had both never been to the Pacific Northwest. Truthfully, we were a little nervous of what it would be like. However, in that visit we felt the affirmation of God telling us this is the place to go. Seattle and UW are certainly very different from where we were born and raised, but we look forward to the adventure and opportunity to widen our horizons! Specifically, I look forward to the opportunity of vocational ministry at Sojourn, developing my skills/knowledge, and being a tool for God to make a change in the lives of the new people I meet.
Let’s meet up!